


Microblading is a two-step process at a minimum. Occasionally someone could need an extra 6-week touch-up but usually, brows will last somewhere between 1-2 years before another touch-up is needed. Touch-ups are necessary over time to keep microbladed brows looking their best.

  • First Microblading Session: $400

  • 6/12-week Touch-up: $100

  • Appointments made between 3 months to 1 year of the first appointment: $200

  • Touch-ups after 1 year: $250 +

  • Shading is an additional $25 onto the original prices of each appointment.


If brows have become so faded that the shape has to be redrawn at the touch-up appointment, it will be considered as a first session. Pricing is subject to change at any time.



If you’re looking for a slight lift of your lashes, consider getting a lash lift. Lash lifts curl the eyelashes from the base to the tip so you can see the full length of the eyelashes. The procedure is done with a tiny curling rod and solution. Think “mini-perm” for your lashes!

  • Lash Lift $70

  • Lash Lift & Tint $85